Introducing: Chemica Hotmark Revolution

We are now stocking the most innovative heat press material in the industry! Chemica Hotmark Revolution is not only impressive to us, it also impressed the judges at SGIA 2017 as it won product of the year. Hotmark Revolution is quick and easy to cut and weed. Multi-color applications are very easy as this material can be layered after a quick 1 to 2 second press and peel. Heat press the last color at 285ºF for 5 seconds, medium pressure. This is so fast, yet so gentle on the fabric. 100% polyester tees, uniforms, and hoodies really do require a lower temperature and time as the heat press often leaves a glossy square behind. Need a lower temperature? Heat press at 245ºF for 20 seconds or even 230ºF for 25 seconds. The lower you go, the less chance of damaging the fabric you have. So what's the catch? It isn't the feel. This is a super-thin 80 microns thick with an extremely soft, stretchy hand. Hotmark Revolution can also apply to virtually any fabric. Order today as you cannot lose!